Saturday, May 10, 2008


As humans we are symmetrical animals. But what's interesting is that we are not perfectly symmetrical. In fact, if you took one half of your face and "doubled" it to make a perfect match to the other half, you would look like a different person! Er, slightly...well, some more than others, I suppose.

Personally, I've noticed that the right corner of my lip naturally curves up in a little smirk while the other is sort of frowning down, all sad-Eeyore-like. I like the smirking would be cool if I had that on both sides, though then I couldn't call it a smirk if both sides were upturned the same way.

Anyhoo, I've been playing around and I look a bit different using this photoshop technique. Interesting...

Oooooh by the way: I'm going home today! I still have to pack...and it's already 3am?? Last night I stayed up until 7am this morning...then woke up too late to do anything like return my books, turn in a job application, and work out some insurance stuff. Gaaah! I wasn't even doing anyting! Stupid Gaia Online...but that's for another post, another day. For now, I pack!

1 comment:

Jómy said...

haha, I've thought about this too. They say a more symmetrical face comes off as more attractive between humans. I didn't use quite a technical approach, but I got the job done...
I don't know that I looked... better, but I certainly didn't look the same...