Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tick-Tock Goes the Croc

Just recently my watch has been ticking VERY loudly. No one else notices of course, it's sorda like when you feel like your heart is racing and seems like the loudest thing in the world but no one else can really hear it. Which makes me wonder if maybe something is wrong with me...? Captain Hook had a phobia of clocks (Chronomentrophobia) and their ticking, but he had good reason! The sound of ticking was usually accompanied by the crocodile that bit off his hand along with his watch! Funny how he was sensitive enough to the ticking that he heard it through the croc's tummy, eh? I wonder how he is originally portrayed in the book about Peter Pan...I've seen the Disney version, Hook (with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman), and the most recent Peter Pan.

Yes, I think I liked the live-action ones better, but I think in all of them I liked Hook the best as a character because as he points out in Hook, "What would the world be like without Captain Hook?" It would be a silly little fantasy story with no plot because there would be no baddie to fight and cause trouble.

One more thought: Hook is a depressed/depressing character. In Hook, he's got nothing to live for since Peter Pan is no longer a challenge and even attempts suicide (though too vain to go through with it). And in the recent live-action Peter Pan, he is unloved. He's got problems. And in any version, he gets eaten by the croc, symbolically consumed by his fears and shortcomings.

Which brings me back to my problem. Why am I hearing my watch so loudly?? I hope it's just because the organic chemistry final is so near (a few more hours 8am...), otherwise I have no idea why this is happening. Plus I can't stop wearing my watch! Especially for the exam, I'll need it.

Hehe. The organic final is my crocodile. I hope I come out of it alive.


Anonymous said...

Fun post about the Captain's tick-tock shock. :)

Actually, there is indeed someone to "take his place" now that he is gone. To find out who, you'll have to get the new Peter Pan novel that will be out soon.
Unlike ALL the prequels and sequels that have come out so far, this one does not contradict Barrie. In fact, it's based on his idea for continuing Pan's adventures.
Click on my name for the announcement page.


Jómy said...

That post was SO. FUN. to read!
More blog posts should be like this one. Seriously, Kathy, good work.
Hell, I didn't even know that was the story behind him losing his hand and clocks and ticking and stuff! Then again, I've never seen the Peter Pan movie, either. XP

Are you posting every day now?!
Cool beans. But frick. I've gotta memorize your URL now...