Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pre-Med Nerd Alert

I'm sick of looking for a job, so I'm just going to chill and wait for responses from the places I applied.

In the meantime, I'm super bored. I've decided to make a trip to the library, but I don't like stepping into a huge building full of thousands of books without a plan or some sort of road map for myself. Therefore I have chosen a theme: what better way to suck up time and life than to pretend to be a med/pre-med student? I will start with microbiology, since I'm going to take that class next semester anyway, then some anatomy (perhaps do some drawing, to mix it up) and finally surgery. They actually have books in the library with step by step procedures accompanied by photos, which is what has me so excited and willing to go through with MCB and anatomy to have a deeper understanding.

You might be wondering what happened to my cello suite goal. Well, it turns out that I'm much more out of practice than I thought, and it's quite impossible to learn it without proper instruction. Playing the cello is quite different than reading and absorbing books...


Jómy said...

That is SO cool.
I've never thought of looking books about jobs I might have in the future!
And I'm at the library ALL THE TIME!
You've inspired me!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kathy,
Last year I read a very good book on life as a resident/doctor. It was basically short stories of what doctors face everyday, but it was really good and had a lot of interesting thoughts. The name of the book escapes me at the moment, but if I can think of it I will let you know.