Saturday, May 3, 2008

Devil May Cry 3

This is Devil May Cry 3, and perhaps your first encounter with it. I am happy to be introducing it to you, in that case. Behold and be schooled by its awesomeness. If you ever have the time, you can ask to watch my mad skills at this game. Speaking of time, don't read on if you don't have any, because I would prefer if you could watch EVERYTHING at once. The following are some opening scenes. Dude, this game got even my MOM hooked, it's that good. And if you are going to watch, please do them in order, including the ones I had to link instead of embed. If anything, watch mission one (scroll down...).

The original opening...I guess you can skip it, but it lays out some of the storyline for ya.

The prologue featuring Vergil is ~*here*~ and him being badass below. Again, not necessary to watch, but Vergil is soooo cool. Cold, I would even say.

THIS IS A MUST SEE!! It's the opening of the first mission.
It was was actually quite intimidating for me, and a bit scary when I realized that I had to actually play as Dante and fight those baddies, but it all worked out ok...the aftermath below was fun to watch, and I could say that "hey, I played the part and kinda rocked at it, yea!"

And of course, the brothers fight. Isn't that just fascinating? I dunno, just the idea of having twins be so alike yet so polar is fascinating to me. I guess that's why I bought that book or why I'm interested in Death Note (not for the twins thing but the whole being alike/opposite between the main characters thing). This ties into the original opening and I would suggest watching that first to let this have more meaning. :) The dialogue is a little lame, I'll admit, but whatever.
Before the fight:

After the fight:

What's cool about these two is that they are always at it! You actually fight Vergil THREE times! You even get to fight WITH him once! So much Vergil, so much happiness. <3

By the way, if you are interested in seeing all of the cut scenes, they are available on youtube starting with ~*this one*~, though its not the best of quality. Also, it may seem long, but keep in mind that if you've gone through all the above, you've seen most of the first part, plus you can skip over the parts where there is actual gameplay. Sweeeeeet.

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