Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chemistry Hoo-Ha and....What the Hell?

I went on a barbeque over at Sharon and Deo's house last night. I knew I wasn't going to get any studying done, either way, so it was a good break. I smell like FIRE! And I love it. It's been a long time since I've had that outdoors-y camping experience and it was good. I got to play with fire which is very good. And we played brawl and badminton! Yea!

That is why now I'm in the long haul! At least, for the short amount of time I have left before the final. I can't believe we have 3 exams AND a cumulative final. *headdesk* This is it. I am dedicating this day to chemistry.


In other news, as I was looking for DMC pics of Dante and Vergil, I came across some cute ones like this

And then I come across the ones with reference to Dante's Divine Comedy, particularly Inferno where those two show up.


In this oil painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905), Dante, who wanders and loses his path, and the one leading him through hell (I guess you can say he's a guide), the ghost of the roman poet Vergil, are in the background. I would guess that this is the 7th ring of hell (see the demon in the background?), which houses the violent (that looks like an uncomfortable position...not to mention the biting). In most painting of Dante's Inferno, Dante and Vergil are clothed while hell's inhabitants are naked, exposed to the elements. So I honestly thought this was some erotic painting at first, but then I looked into it, and so...yea, its strictly symbolic.

If you are not familiar with Dante Alighieri's Inferno, it's basically an epic, amazing poem originally written in Italian where Dante writes about his travel through hell. In fact, it was such a convincing and shocking poem that, during his time, people actually thought that he had walked among the dead, suffering sinners of the underworld. Pretty cool.

I've been meaning to read it since I have a copy at home that I started. It can get pretty dense and confusing when he talks about politics of the times and whatnot, but hey, I guess that's what the extra notes in the back are for. There's even a full text online, but there are several English versions, so I don't know how this one compares. Oh, hey, but if you want to explore the nine rings of hell without reading all that, this site is a fun way to quickly explore hell(click on the key down below for an explanation of the objects). You can even find out which one you are most likely to end up in. Macabre, I know, but entertaining. But to get the most out of reading the actual thing, I found a nice university site with it all neatly explained and analyzed. Yay!

Oh and that William painter guy is pretty cool too. Check out some of his other works.

So...what ring of hell will you end up in? At this moment I am feeling very slothful...

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