Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

My first day back and it's Mom's Day. Good thing I bought her present on my little shopping spree. Yaaay! I woke up this morning and mad mom pancakes, like every year, and I even made them in the shapes of M's as well as plain circles so that I could spell out mom...but this year I did something new and creative! I made smilie faces!! See? See? I'm rather proud. The only thing is, I took so much time to make them that the ones already made got cold and I had to microwave them for a few seconds...oh, well. I'll be faster next year.

We didn't do much else. I gave her the gift after rummaging through all the luggage and duffel bags and garbage bags for it (still haven't unpacked...I haven't even tried). Then I asked her where she wanted to go out for dinner since we usually go to a nice restaurant. My mom said, "You know, I honestly have a taste for a Philly cheesesteak," (lol) so I totally agreed. It's more affordable that way, and it's what she wants, I reasoned.

It was 5:55pm at the mall when my mom was gonna order. The place was closing down since 6pm was the closing time, but there were 5 minutes left, so she asked the guy working there to take her order and he said no! On Mother's Day! She pointed this out and still he said no! Gawd. What a jerk. So we went to Portillo's instead. And that's my Mother's Day for ya!


Jómy said...

will spell out my name in pancake cuttings too?? :DDD

Kathy said...

oh, see, but that's where my mad skills come cutouts! all of it was made in the pan, baby ;)