Friday, May 23, 2008

Just Browsing

I've been looking at other blogs to see what other people are writing about because I don't want to be boring. Is that strange? Well, it's entertaining nonetheless. I've found that a LOT of them are just picture blogs, usually of the bloggers kid(s), as well as a lot written in other languages I can't read, like Spanish and Japanese. I do, however, feel pretty cool when a French blog comes up. I get excited and read everything to see if I understand it all. I have yet to see a Polish blog. One blog had a whole bunch of pics of the elderly lady blogger that had no business being up for the public to view. Another was basically a mom's live journal of...well, a mom's life. Another just has posts of the person's practice architecture drawings. Another person blogs on Bollywood movies. In fact, they all seem to have a purpose or at least an overarching theme. Looking back at my posts, it is more like a live journal I suppose, but all over the place...Like this post. Hmmm.

I like sheep.


Jómy said...

well, I post to see how I've grown as a person. I think that my blogs, lately, are the work of a boring person that produces boring blogs..
I think that simply putting lots of thought into your blogging results in blog entries that are pleasurable to read.
Unfortunately, I spend WAY too little time writing my blogs (yea, who can imagine anyone saying that?!) since I post everyday... :(

What else did you learn from your snooping?

Kathy said...

hee hee...I've learned that a lot of blogs are boring, not including yours of course. ;) Most don't post often or seem to have stopped. You're right; it's tough to think of something interesting to blog about every day.

Anonymous said...

I find your blogs to be very stimulating Kathy ;-). You don't need a theme as long as you have a purpose, which right now your purpose seems to be composing your thoughts.