Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pre-Med Nerd Alert

I'm sick of looking for a job, so I'm just going to chill and wait for responses from the places I applied.

In the meantime, I'm super bored. I've decided to make a trip to the library, but I don't like stepping into a huge building full of thousands of books without a plan or some sort of road map for myself. Therefore I have chosen a theme: what better way to suck up time and life than to pretend to be a med/pre-med student? I will start with microbiology, since I'm going to take that class next semester anyway, then some anatomy (perhaps do some drawing, to mix it up) and finally surgery. They actually have books in the library with step by step procedures accompanied by photos, which is what has me so excited and willing to go through with MCB and anatomy to have a deeper understanding.

You might be wondering what happened to my cello suite goal. Well, it turns out that I'm much more out of practice than I thought, and it's quite impossible to learn it without proper instruction. Playing the cello is quite different than reading and absorbing books...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Just Browsing

I've been looking at other blogs to see what other people are writing about because I don't want to be boring. Is that strange? Well, it's entertaining nonetheless. I've found that a LOT of them are just picture blogs, usually of the bloggers kid(s), as well as a lot written in other languages I can't read, like Spanish and Japanese. I do, however, feel pretty cool when a French blog comes up. I get excited and read everything to see if I understand it all. I have yet to see a Polish blog. One blog had a whole bunch of pics of the elderly lady blogger that had no business being up for the public to view. Another was basically a mom's live journal of...well, a mom's life. Another just has posts of the person's practice architecture drawings. Another person blogs on Bollywood movies. In fact, they all seem to have a purpose or at least an overarching theme. Looking back at my posts, it is more like a live journal I suppose, but all over the place...Like this post. Hmmm.

I like sheep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Death Note...THE MOVIE!!

Tonight I went a showing of Death Note at the movie theater. It was a bit overpriced, and of course it did not follow the plot line too well, but I thought that it was nice to experience it the way you would with any other movie instead of watching it online. It was dubbed, which had me very worried because I only hear bad things about dubs, but it turns out that they used the same voice actors as in the anime which I am pretty ok with. I don't see what all the fans complain about. You can tell that they did their best with the dub. I would say that they did an excellent job, in fact, what with matching the lip movements the best they could and translating. For example, in comparing the dubbed version and the subbed version, the translated dub "I would love to use your intelligence" is better than "Let us use your brain." The latter makes me think of zombies...

There was a really annoying guy sitting nearby, though. He kept telling his friend what was about to happen and then saying "See!" or "I told you so!" I fail to see the point in going to see a movie if you are going to act like that...it's pretty obvious that the only people that would show up for this movie are the ones that are fans of the manga series, so of course they would know what happens, aside from the scenes where the director decided to use some creative liberty.

So, aside from some script changes (Light having that girlfriend and killing her was soooo wrong) and the annoying guy, I have one more problem with the movie: Light and Misa are not blond. *pouting indignation* It's just not right! Light should at least have light brown hair! uuurgh.

They should be blond like this

And not dark haired like this

*sigh* They could have bleached their hair or worn wigs...
At the end of the movie they showed extra content, like you would see on a dvd, and there WAS a blondish wig that Fugiwara (the actor playing Light) tried on. Apparently, it did not fit the director's vision of his character. XP

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Diet is "Die" with a "t"

The little Buddha laughs.

Yes, I should diet. I want to look good in my itty bitty navy striped bikini (no polka dots for me, thank you). I know I'm not technically overweight, but I have a little gut! A Buddha belly! Ick. Yes, the little Buddha laughs...

It's too bad that I don't find that extra pudge attractive. There are many versions and tales of Buddha, but in one Thailand tale he is such an attractive man that other men want to take him for a wife. Well, he couldn't have that, so he disguised himself as a fat monk. That'll keep the guys away. It's a good life lesson; moral of the story: to keep any sex away, gain weight. And join the clergy.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Life Untouched

I haven't posted for a few days, so here goes. Something relevant (for me, anyways). Bear with me, I don't know where I'm going with this.

For the past few days I've been online every chance I get. Today I spent the entire day online. I'm not kidding. Since I woke up at 10am until now, I've been online. I ate exactly 2 cookies and a sandwich. I don't seem to have an appetite when I'm zombified by the warm glowing screen in front of me, lulled by the gentle tapping of the keyboard and melodies from my favorite songs. It's too easy to be hypnotized by sleek, comforting computers and the beckoning web pages and emails waiting to be read on the internet.

What's scary is that there are tons of sites that offer a social life. If you were really looking to get social, shouldn't the internet be the last place to look? It's a good resource to keep in touch with friends, but to make new ones? I suppose it is possible...sort of like having a pen pal, but as I play GaiaOnline I find that it can be creepy when people want to have a girlfriend or boyfriend with someone they never met. I find it impossible. It just...doesn't work. And I believe, I hope, that it is usually just a role playing game on such massive multiplayers. But what about other sites that are serious about matching up strangers looking for love? People, do it the natural, real way: in person. Take a tip from the prairie dogs and their social networking.

The internet is the ultimate tool in remaking yourself to be who you want to be in the other person's eyes. Let's admit it: we don't always act like ourselves on a first date. But at least we actually meet the person on a date. We want to present the best of ourselves and leave the little details of our flaws behind, if just to impress someone for a couple of dates, until those flaws eventually catch up. However, with instant messaging, online dating services, and games like GaiaOnline you can take your own image and morph it in any way you want. You could be misleading, or you could be blatantly honest since in either case you can reason that they are just strangers you are talking to, the kind you will probably never see; but either way, should you present this perfect you and expect to have a real relationship? Or bear your soul to a stranger on the monitor and expect the same in return? Besides the truth, what about an emotional or physical connection? The internet dashes it all away. Yes, someone can tell you that they are sad or happy or otherwise, but how can you know and why would you care if you are not there with them reading the expression on their face? And forget about hugs. The internet provides no way for physical contact.

Nothing can replace the human touch. Human touch is an important, integral part of human life. Why is it that there are so many rules against inappropriate touching? Because touch makes such a huge impact on us, which is why we need appropriate touching all the more. Everyone needs a hug once in a while. I mean it.

Of course, I don't mean that all relationships made online are contrived. I just hope that, every once in a while, such people take a step back from the screen, look at their pale tan from it's glow, and wonder when the last time they had real contact with their friends. Every time I do this, a wave of sadness rushes over me, because I miss my friends. At college, I wouldn't spend all my time online. I wouldn't forget to eat. I would have friends to remind me of everything I could be doing. I don't have that luxury at home. All I have is the nagging in the back of my mind, reminding me of what failure this summer promises to be. No job. A calculus class I'll probably fail like the rest of my classes. Little to no contact with friends busy with their productive lives. And now there is a pain in my tummy; I can't decide if it's from lack of food or lack of love, it's just that...sometimes...a *hug* on instant messenger is not enough.

Friday, May 16, 2008


What on earth is Gaia online? Seriously? Lemme tell you: it has nothing to do with the "gaia" of the gaia hypothesis or Final Fantasy. But it does have pretty clothing that you can buy with gold and therefore I now play it. It turns out that these people have their own real t-shirts that you can buy! AND they have, in the past, booked an entire Ironman screening especially for "Gaians"! I mean, they DO stuff. Wow. They MEET each other IN PERSON. Huh. I dunno, I'm fairly new to this massive online multiplayer thing, but I hope my current addiction now doesn't go that far...I check it more frequently than facebook now, and that is saying something.

The thing with facebook is that I normally use it more during the school year to keep in contact with some friends...kind of weird since you would think I would use it a lot more in the summer when I'm away from a lot of them. I find that less people check their facebook while at home, as well, so it's better to give them a call, which I certainly appreciate since it is much more personal. I like it better that way, I should use the phone more often!

Oh, I guess I'll show you what I do on Gaia, so here are some avies!
This is what I want my avatar to look like (but its impossible because the game won't let me layer the socks and the fishnet stockings and some other stuff...):
And here's Light! Just for fun...

And of course Dante and Vergil.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Money In Da Bank

omg just LOOK at this stuff.


Right now I have enough money saved up to buy the special edition of GTA IV and a 360, and goodness that is soooo tempting! But if I make the purchase, I will feel very broke and...well...spent. Plus I think I have plenty of things right now to keep me busy...er...ok not really. I would just feel guilty because I HAVE NO JOB. Thus I feel bummish. Yes that is now a word. Get up to speed.

I just can't stand the thought of going back to Kohl's. The management at the one I worked at sucked and the workers were all lazy...I felt like the only one willing to work for my wages there. I can be quite motivated when it comes to money. Anyhoo, I tried to get a pharmacy job for this summer two months before school ended, and nothing, nada at any of the several nearby Walgreens. I can't work at Osco or CVS because apparently I have to already be in pharm school. Pshhh. Now I'm looking into libraries...anything but clothing retail, especially a place like Kohl's.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Miss My Cello

So I have planned to learn a new piece on the cello this summer since I don't have a job (yet...) and I've been so damn lazy I can't stand it. It is the Cello Suite #5 - Prelude by Bach. Here are two versions of it that I like but I will probably never be able to mimic:

Yea...very difficult. But if I get serious about it, it will certainly keep me busy. I like having high goals for that reason. Oh, and if anyone knows who it is that performs the version as played in the anime Blood+ by Hagi, please tell me? It's amazing.

On a fun side note: I can play this tune easily on the cello but it wouldn't be nearly as impressive as this guy playing the same tune. He's even using vibrato! Ok, well, yes, he should probably just eat his vegetables...but I'm still impressed.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

My first day back and it's Mom's Day. Good thing I bought her present on my little shopping spree. Yaaay! I woke up this morning and mad mom pancakes, like every year, and I even made them in the shapes of M's as well as plain circles so that I could spell out mom...but this year I did something new and creative! I made smilie faces!! See? See? I'm rather proud. The only thing is, I took so much time to make them that the ones already made got cold and I had to microwave them for a few seconds...oh, well. I'll be faster next year.

We didn't do much else. I gave her the gift after rummaging through all the luggage and duffel bags and garbage bags for it (still haven't unpacked...I haven't even tried). Then I asked her where she wanted to go out for dinner since we usually go to a nice restaurant. My mom said, "You know, I honestly have a taste for a Philly cheesesteak," (lol) so I totally agreed. It's more affordable that way, and it's what she wants, I reasoned.

It was 5:55pm at the mall when my mom was gonna order. The place was closing down since 6pm was the closing time, but there were 5 minutes left, so she asked the guy working there to take her order and he said no! On Mother's Day! She pointed this out and still he said no! Gawd. What a jerk. So we went to Portillo's instead. And that's my Mother's Day for ya!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


As humans we are symmetrical animals. But what's interesting is that we are not perfectly symmetrical. In fact, if you took one half of your face and "doubled" it to make a perfect match to the other half, you would look like a different person! Er, slightly...well, some more than others, I suppose.

Personally, I've noticed that the right corner of my lip naturally curves up in a little smirk while the other is sort of frowning down, all sad-Eeyore-like. I like the smirking side...it would be cool if I had that on both sides, though then I couldn't call it a smirk if both sides were upturned the same way.

Anyhoo, I've been playing around and I look a bit different using this photoshop technique. Interesting...

Oooooh by the way: I'm going home today! I still have to pack...and it's already 3am?? Last night I stayed up until 7am this morning...then woke up too late to do anything like return my books, turn in a job application, and work out some insurance stuff. Gaaah! I wasn't even doing anyting! Stupid Gaia Online...but that's for another post, another day. For now, I pack!

Friday, May 9, 2008


I mean that in the least dooms-dayish of attitudes. Although I am quite sad at the prospect of leaving U of I for the summer (and perhaps facing some dismal grades later), I am glad that finals are over. Next year I definitely want to stay here. My chem final was...well...it was. It's in the past. That's all that matters. I would have posted yesterday, but I was on a super fun shopping spree to blow all the money I so carefully penny-pinched this past year. Shopping is so fulfilling yet so emptying at the same time...

And THAT is my lame post for the day. I'm off to do laundry (yes at 2am; when do you do it?). RANDOM PICTURE!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tick-Tock Goes the Croc

Just recently my watch has been ticking VERY loudly. No one else notices of course, it's sorda like when you feel like your heart is racing and seems like the loudest thing in the world but no one else can really hear it. Which makes me wonder if maybe something is wrong with me...? Captain Hook had a phobia of clocks (Chronomentrophobia) and their ticking, but he had good reason! The sound of ticking was usually accompanied by the crocodile that bit off his hand along with his watch! Funny how he was sensitive enough to the ticking that he heard it through the croc's tummy, eh? I wonder how he is originally portrayed in the book about Peter Pan...I've seen the Disney version, Hook (with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman), and the most recent Peter Pan.

Yes, I think I liked the live-action ones better, but I think in all of them I liked Hook the best as a character because as he points out in Hook, "What would the world be like without Captain Hook?" It would be a silly little fantasy story with no plot because there would be no baddie to fight and cause trouble.

One more thought: Hook is a depressed/depressing character. In Hook, he's got nothing to live for since Peter Pan is no longer a challenge and even attempts suicide (though too vain to go through with it). And in the recent live-action Peter Pan, he is unloved. He's got problems. And in any version, he gets eaten by the croc, symbolically consumed by his fears and shortcomings.

Which brings me back to my problem. Why am I hearing my watch so loudly?? I hope it's just because the organic chemistry final is so near (a few more hours now...at 8am...), otherwise I have no idea why this is happening. Plus I can't stop wearing my watch! Especially for the exam, I'll need it.

Hehe. The organic final is my crocodile. I hope I come out of it alive.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Note on Procrastination/Avoidance

I am a master at this. Finals are scary, but not enough to scare the procrastination out of me. I'm hopeless! Watching South Park, playing GTA IV, or listening to musical soundtracks are all more fun...I mean, of course it's more fun, but I should focus on studying. Aaaarrrrrgg.

Speaking of GTA IV, I played it for the fist time at Joe's and I have to say...I'm so jealous. I NEED that game. I haven't played video games with such an interest for almost two years now, and GTAIV just gave me back that spark. Now I just have to find the means to get a 360 as well as the game...hmmm...anyone wanna get me an early birthday present?

This review on youtube even has cheats.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I'm basically hoping to just hold on these last few days of finals. I've had two and I still have three left. It seems like a lot for this week...wish me luck! I'll be done at this time on Wednesday!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chemistry Hoo-Ha and....What the Hell?

I went on a barbeque over at Sharon and Deo's house last night. I knew I wasn't going to get any studying done, either way, so it was a good break. I smell like FIRE! And I love it. It's been a long time since I've had that outdoors-y camping experience and it was good. I got to play with fire which is very good. And we played brawl and badminton! Yea!

That is why now I'm in the long haul! At least, for the short amount of time I have left before the final. I can't believe we have 3 exams AND a cumulative final. *headdesk* This is it. I am dedicating this day to chemistry.


In other news, as I was looking for DMC pics of Dante and Vergil, I came across some cute ones like this

And then I come across the ones with reference to Dante's Divine Comedy, particularly Inferno where those two show up.


In this oil painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905), Dante, who wanders and loses his path, and the one leading him through hell (I guess you can say he's a guide), the ghost of the roman poet Vergil, are in the background. I would guess that this is the 7th ring of hell (see the demon in the background?), which houses the violent (that looks like an uncomfortable position...not to mention the biting). In most painting of Dante's Inferno, Dante and Vergil are clothed while hell's inhabitants are naked, exposed to the elements. So I honestly thought this was some erotic painting at first, but then I looked into it, and so...yea, its strictly symbolic.

If you are not familiar with Dante Alighieri's Inferno, it's basically an epic, amazing poem originally written in Italian where Dante writes about his travel through hell. In fact, it was such a convincing and shocking poem that, during his time, people actually thought that he had walked among the dead, suffering sinners of the underworld. Pretty cool.

I've been meaning to read it since I have a copy at home that I started. It can get pretty dense and confusing when he talks about politics of the times and whatnot, but hey, I guess that's what the extra notes in the back are for. There's even a full text online, but there are several English versions, so I don't know how this one compares. Oh, hey, but if you want to explore the nine rings of hell without reading all that, this site is a fun way to quickly explore hell(click on the key down below for an explanation of the objects). You can even find out which one you are most likely to end up in. Macabre, I know, but entertaining. But to get the most out of reading the actual thing, I found a nice university site with it all neatly explained and analyzed. Yay!

Oh and that William painter guy is pretty cool too. Check out some of his other works.

So...what ring of hell will you end up in? At this moment I am feeling very slothful...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Devil May Cry 3

This is Devil May Cry 3, and perhaps your first encounter with it. I am happy to be introducing it to you, in that case. Behold and be schooled by its awesomeness. If you ever have the time, you can ask to watch my mad skills at this game. Speaking of time, don't read on if you don't have any, because I would prefer if you could watch EVERYTHING at once. The following are some opening scenes. Dude, this game got even my MOM hooked, it's that good. And if you are going to watch, please do them in order, including the ones I had to link instead of embed. If anything, watch mission one (scroll down...).

The original opening...I guess you can skip it, but it lays out some of the storyline for ya.

The prologue featuring Vergil is ~*here*~ and him being badass below. Again, not necessary to watch, but Vergil is soooo cool. Cold, I would even say.

THIS IS A MUST SEE!! It's the opening of the first mission.
It was was actually quite intimidating for me, and a bit scary when I realized that I had to actually play as Dante and fight those baddies, but it all worked out ok...the aftermath below was fun to watch, and I could say that "hey, I played the part and kinda rocked at it, yea!"

And of course, the brothers fight. Isn't that just fascinating? I dunno, just the idea of having twins be so alike yet so polar is fascinating to me. I guess that's why I bought that book or why I'm interested in Death Note (not for the twins thing but the whole being alike/opposite between the main characters thing). This ties into the original opening and I would suggest watching that first to let this have more meaning. :) The dialogue is a little lame, I'll admit, but whatever.
Before the fight:

After the fight:

What's cool about these two is that they are always at it! You actually fight Vergil THREE times! You even get to fight WITH him once! So much Vergil, so much happiness. <3

By the way, if you are interested in seeing all of the cut scenes, they are available on youtube starting with ~*this one*~, though its not the best of quality. Also, it may seem long, but keep in mind that if you've gone through all the above, you've seen most of the first part, plus you can skip over the parts where there is actual gameplay. Sweeeeeet.

Hot Fictional Videogame Men

I don't have much to blog about since finals are up and coming and so my friend requested that I post some hot final fantasy guys...well...I found an ok youtube video, a quiz for you to take (yes, yes, you're studying, I know, but it will honestly take you less than a minute), and another video...for fun ;D
There you have it!