Thursday, April 24, 2008

Post Exam Depression

That's right. It's a real condition. PED has afflicted me! I thought I studied enough today...I suppose.

I was finished with classes at 11am and so I ate and went to get some tickets for a Sinfonia de Camera performance this weekend that I'll go to with Amy, because I know she'll appreciate it as much as I will. I even printed out and mailed my transcript request! I was being so productive, but being productive makes Kathy sleepy. So of course I took a long nap, after which I furiously crammed. It was to no avail: I failed. And I know it. I probably got the lowest score in class, because I know that this time everyone was well prepared. It wasn't difficult...I just didn't practice or take the online quizzes seriously. I felt just as broken as after exam II. I wandered a bit. My mood was very much...anywhere the wind blows.

The weather is great, so I walked around the engineering quad and stopped in Grainger. I've never been there before. And to think that in my entire 2 semesters here I've never step foot in this awesome library. I'm definitely studying there for finals. It's not like the main or undergrad libraries, it really has that study study study vibe and its easier to concentrate...maybe because it is in the engineering district?

After about a half hour of wandering, I felt better. I guess.

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