Saturday, April 26, 2008

Large Group

I went to my first large group, which happened to be the last one of the year, yesterday. At first my motivation was that I would get some good observations for my anthropology field project, but I also knew that it would be fun to hang out with the small group members that would be there. Large group and small group are gatherings where members of CFC (Covenant Fellowship Christians) study the Bible, sing, and listen to a sermon (sermons are only in large group). I'm glad I went. It seemed to be the right sermon for me to go to since it talked about what it means to be Christian. There was a video with testimonials of the graduating seniors, and those really spoke to me, especially when some of them reflected on how they were simply church-goers and not true Christians, which is how I feel that I am now. Being Christian or Catholic means more than going to church. It is through our actions and reflections in every day life that we are Christian. I've come to realize that I need to shape up spiritually, on top of trying to shape up physically. It's time to trim off all that lazy spiritual fat!

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