Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I was at a French class barcrawl last night, which was pretty fun. We all wore our homemade Fabien t-shirts (lovely and artistically exquisite, all of them). I had nothing to do during the day and so that's when I made mine. I walked to Firehaus with Brian to meet up with everyone. It's too bad he got turned down at Legends so early on. And with Jennifer's boyfriend's ID! I hope neither one gets in any trouble. Allie came all pre-gamed and ready, snapping lots of in-your-face pictures with my camera, wearing Fabien's coat, braiding his hair, etc. We all found it strange how Fabien didn't really know how to smile for pictures. Oh well. Also, the French have a funny way of dancing. Or maybe it's just guys in general. Overall, it was a great experience just barhopping in French.

I think I'll leave this video up! I actually like a different song by Mathieu Chedid (or just -M-), but I like this video better, so...wait...why should I choose? I'll put them BOTH up! The second song is the one I like...but isn't he strange? Eyecatching, that's for sure. Is it in a good way? You decide.

Looking Over My Shoulder

I may be paranoid, but there is a book, Dance of Death, that has been following me for over a year now. I first saw it in a magazine on a page that I cut out to use as a bookmark. Then, after throwing it away and forgetting about it, I was surprised to find the same ad in that little ad space on yahoo email. As soon as I seemingly put it in the back of my mind, I would again see some sort of ad for it! I finally bought the book the first time I came across the actual thing one day this past January and it has been sitting on my shelf ever since. I feel a bit guilty for giving in to the promotions, but ever since I bought it, those encounters have stopped. Phew.

Well, I finally started reading it, and let me tell you, the inner cover is misleading. I thought it would be about a genius detective hunting down his evil genius twin, but noooooo. [SPOILER ALERT] The genius detective is dead. That’s how it starts out. And some schmuck of a lieutenant, an average Joe, gets the job of hunting down this elusive mastermind. I’m 6 chapters in and desperately hoping that Pendergast (genius detective) didn’t really die, just like his twin didn’t really die. If I wanted to read about realistic people, I wouldn’t. They are all around me. I want the fantastical.

And it just so happens that this book is the 2nd in a trilogy of Pendergast thriller/detective novels. Fantastic.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Death Note

At this time, only a week away from the beginning of some grueling finals, I've dived back into my bad habit of Death Note obsessing. I spent 2 hours watching clips of it on adultswim, and they aren't even in order or anything! It's like I can't let go of it. Granted, I never watched the entire series, but I told myself after realizing how much time it was sucking out of my life by just reading the manga that I would stay away from the anime, and any other manga or anime that interested me for that matter. It's just not worth it. It made me spend a LOT of time on the internet for no reason, finding things related and unrelated, wasting time...even leading me to other obsessions. I made a neighborhood on my Sims 2 game and was the first on the internet to successfully post my L and Light Sims 2 renditions. It's a bit crazy looking back on that...
Overall, it was a vampiristic experience, which much to my dismay needed to be ended. And now it is back with a vengeance, threatening to suck all my time once again. Anyone have the garlic equivalent for this kind of thing? Better yet, pray for me.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Large Group

I went to my first large group, which happened to be the last one of the year, yesterday. At first my motivation was that I would get some good observations for my anthropology field project, but I also knew that it would be fun to hang out with the small group members that would be there. Large group and small group are gatherings where members of CFC (Covenant Fellowship Christians) study the Bible, sing, and listen to a sermon (sermons are only in large group). I'm glad I went. It seemed to be the right sermon for me to go to since it talked about what it means to be Christian. There was a video with testimonials of the graduating seniors, and those really spoke to me, especially when some of them reflected on how they were simply church-goers and not true Christians, which is how I feel that I am now. Being Christian or Catholic means more than going to church. It is through our actions and reflections in every day life that we are Christian. I've come to realize that I need to shape up spiritually, on top of trying to shape up physically. It's time to trim off all that lazy spiritual fat!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Post Exam Depression

That's right. It's a real condition. PED has afflicted me! I thought I studied enough today...I suppose.

I was finished with classes at 11am and so I ate and went to get some tickets for a Sinfonia de Camera performance this weekend that I'll go to with Amy, because I know she'll appreciate it as much as I will. I even printed out and mailed my transcript request! I was being so productive, but being productive makes Kathy sleepy. So of course I took a long nap, after which I furiously crammed. It was to no avail: I failed. And I know it. I probably got the lowest score in class, because I know that this time everyone was well prepared. It wasn't difficult...I just didn't practice or take the online quizzes seriously. I felt just as broken as after exam II. I wandered a bit. My mood was very much...anywhere the wind blows.

The weather is great, so I walked around the engineering quad and stopped in Grainger. I've never been there before. And to think that in my entire 2 semesters here I've never step foot in this awesome library. I'm definitely studying there for finals. It's not like the main or undergrad libraries, it really has that study study study vibe and its easier to concentrate...maybe because it is in the engineering district?

After about a half hour of wandering, I felt better. I guess.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Change of Plans

Yea, so the barcrawl didn't really happen. I still didn't get any studying done, but at least I know now that I can get some sleep and that I won't have a hangover for tomorrow. I went over to my friend's apartment where a big group of us played some card/drinking games, watched Tila Tequila, and ate puppy chow. The last time I had eaten was before work, which was around 1pm, and I got there around 8pm, so I guess it wasn't a good idea to start drinking, but that's all that we had...so I drank until I started feeling tipsy after 4 beers. By then we finally went out to eat and planned to hit some bars, too, and I was thankful because I needed some food in mah belly!

We went to Jimmy John's and once I downed a turkey sub I sobered up instantly. It was already 11pm once we got to talking and we realized that we ALL had some sort of test/job/early morning class tomorrow (er...later today) to be awake and sober for! So...yea...plans have been moved to this weekend when we all have some time.

One thing I will take out of tonight's experience is a newfound love for AC/DC. I mean, my mom loves the band and I grew up listening to them, but playing Thunderstruck and really listening to it...well...there's something special about the guitar opening solo and the voice of the lead singer that really had me hooked. And I was listening VERY closely since I had a very loooong part of the song to have to drink to. I finished one entire can because of that part. One minute may not seem like a long time (check it out at about 29:40), but not when you are trying your best to chug slooooowly.

But we had fun anyways. At least we played some games. Today wasn't a bad day overall besides my constant anxiety over chem. It was a beautiful day and my class once again went outside for French. We can all tell that Fabien, our graduate professor, is winding down, what with all the outdoor talks, movie watching, and him bringing in friends just to chat. It's awesome, but I gotta remember to wear sunscreen! I'm frying out there, even if we were out for less than an hour. Today we played les loups-garous (werewolves) which is pretty much like maffia, only we obviously had to speak in French. So it was like this only during the day, outside and without the beer. I think I spoke more French today than the entire past two semesters because I was one of the werewolves and people were actually very suspicious of me, so...that was interesting.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I worry.

I worry about orgo eating me alive. And being kicked out of James Scholar...because I'm teetering on the borderline as it is. I worry that every nice, cute boy that I meet and like will be gay. And I also worry about the state of the education system in the district I work in. And now, I worry about not having anything to blog about. Gaaaah!

I've done nothing much...I feel like I had SO much time this weekend but it is now all spent, wasted away. At least these guys wasted their time being productive with SOMETHING. All I can do now is get some sleep and hope that tomorrow (er...later today) I will buckle down and get some studying done.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

First Post!

Hmmm...methinks my blog looks rather boyish...but I LOVE DMC so it'll have to stay for now. :)

So I'm not sure what to blog about...I should really be studying for my orgo exam on Wednesday since I won't have time on Tuesday...

OH! I'll blog about how excited I am about Tuesday. I have a buuuusy day: I work in the morning (tutoring at an elementary school), then classes, then work again until about 6pm, and after that I'm going to my first barcrawl! I'm excited. I'm going with a club with people that I actually enjoy spending time with.

On a side note: I am hopelessly addicted to stumbleupon.
and now I make a blog? *headdesk*
I'm never gonna get anything done.