Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Not So Good Day (Warning: Boring Post)

I have never felt so punished. Whipped, you might say. The day has not been kind so far. I can't help but feel that it's to pay for hating calc class before even stepping into the classroom...

I began my summer class yesterday, so I'll be in class Monday through Thursday from 8am-10:30am for a few weeks. Yeah, I don't know why I do this to myself, either. I hate calculus. I don't hate the class, but I am extremely adverse to the idea of going during summer... Anyways, today we got out early at 9:30 and I was quite pleased. I put on my iPod and boarded the bus.

I didn't notice it was going the wrong direction until I was in Mt. Prospect. I was playing my DS, totally absorbed...I got off and went on the CORRECT bus going east and not west. As soon as I got home, it was past 11 o'clock (it took that long!!) and I realized that I didn't have my keys with me, either. *facepalm*

I called my mom, and 30 minutes later I was met with one angry woman and a spank on the butt. How embarrassing...as if I didn't feel bad enough, a neighbor witnessed it.

The delightful opportunity of getting off an hour early was shot down, to say the least.

Stupid calculus.

1 comment:

Jómy said...

Are you taking classes at Oakton?!
If you're close to my house, you can bum a ride off of me sometimes.
I have 8AM class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
(hit me up on FB, not here, willya? ;D)